Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

So its been a while since I blogged, I keep getting in the swing of blogging and just as quickly fall out of it!

So since the last post, we have had Bonfire Night, Christmas and New Year! This year has been a great Christmas, lots of catching up with friends, resting, watching old films and of course eating and drinking too much (hence re-joining the gym hopefully my resolve lasts longer than January!).

New Year turned out to be one of the worst nights of weather we have had, pretty nasty stuff, however it didn't dampen our festivities as we were cosy and dry at a flat party. New Years day was spent at another friends flat, with a common theme of lots of friends, food and drink - great way to start the new year.

Happy New Year to all, hope 2007 brings all that you wish for, and if you have made any resolutions I hope you keep them!!

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