Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Moonwalk in the Capital

Welcome to Moonwalk city, isn't it impressive. This is where 8,000 women came together on the 24th June 2006 to speedwalk either a half marathon or a full marathon. On arrival we were treated to food, massages temporary tatoos and music to get us going from Salsa Celtica. The time to midnight soon passed and before we knew it we were lined up at the startline and champing at the bit to get off. We started off on our 26.2 miles. The route took us from the Meadows, through Holyrood Park, up the High Street, along Princess Street, down to Silverknowes then along Crammond to Portobello and Joppa, back into the city via the Cowgate and finishing up in the Meadows. It was quite surreal wandering through holyrood park in the dark (and I'm glad to say there were no dodgy characters lurking in bushes). One of the highlights was walking along crammond and portobello with the sun coming up which was really beautiful (and I think it will be the only time I am foolish enough to be down there at such an unwholesome hour to see such a site)! When we were walking through more public areas we were greated with lots of positive cheers and shouts of encouragement. All of the volunteers along the route were amazing especially in the latter stages when we were beginning to flag a bit. My lovely boyfriend came out to lend support, we had a little difficulty meeting up but a few phone calls and a mad dash in the car and we managed to touch base, he was also a star and kept a steady stream of encouraging texts coming throughout the night : ) Around 5 am we met Emma's sleepy boyfriend who had red bull and mars bars at the ready (much more appealing than the free water and fruit). We were all in quite a bit of pain by the time we came up to the Cowgate but knowing we were so close made the pain subside and the nearness of the finish line filled us we new energy and we practically ran the last part. We were so glad to get over the finish line and complete the event in a respectable 6 hours 45 minutes. I had wanted to put in a slightly better time but my I was in pain and I had to slow down, all I could do was look at my watch and see my target time slipping%2

1 comment:

Oblibby said...

Well done you for completing the walk. Maybe next year...