Monday, August 28, 2006

I vote for 3 day weekends

I've had a great long weekend. Started with a Ceilidh organised by Marie Curie Cancer Care on George Street on Friday night. It was held in the masonic hall, like a mini version of the assembly rooms - ideal setting for a good dance. The band were a funky modern version of a ceilidh band you can check them out at We won a haircut and whiskey in the tombolla - all good!

Saturday had a much needed mini lie in. Went to visit some family and then headed to Almondell Country Park for a wander about - its a hidden gem, less busy than Beecraigs. Went to see Harsh Times that night - so NOT worth it, film was dire!

Sunday we headed up to the Pentlands for some hill walking. We started off from the Flotterstone Inn. We were both out of puff on the way up (I am so unfit! - still it is quite a big hill!) then when we got to the top we were nearly blown off! I couldn't stop laughing as I couldn't keep upright. Coming down was hard work and there were more than a couple of spills : 0

Today has been a day of running errands and lazing about. We went for lunch to a pub in Leith, which was pretty disappointing. We have often been in there and thought how good the food smelled and looked. After waiting almost 45 minutes for our lunch to arrive we weren't so happy with what appeared. Both of our lunches were pretty tasteless, and I'm sure they were frozen meals heated up and churned out of the kitchen. Don't think we will be heading back there in a hurry.

Tomorrow I'm working from home : ) (so I still don't have that sinking back to work Sunday night feeling) If only every weekend was like this!


Oblibby said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend apart from the meal, sweetie.

so fit and active!!!

Neyir said...

That is a gorgeous picture and I am all over the 3-day weekend. Hey, not true that you are out of shape, moonwalk-girl!!! :-)